Saint Lucia

Parliament of Saint Lucia
Key Facts
Head of State: HM King Charles III
Joined the Commonwealth: 1979
Capital City (location of Parliament): Castries
Unicameral/Bicameral: Bicameral, House of Assembly and Senate
Further information:
- Saint Lucia House of Assembly
- IPU - National Assembly (18) and Senate (11)
- CPA Country Directory
- CPA Caribbean, America and Atlantic Region
- Commonwealth Secretariat
- UN Data
- BBC Country Profile
- British High Commission Castries
- Saint Lucia High Commission
CPA UK & Saint Lucia
CPA UK has had significant engagement with the Parliament of Saint Lucia in recent years. In November 2021, a UK delegation partnered with the Presiding Officers of the Parliament of Saint Lucia to deliver a post-election seminar for newly elected and appointed parliamentarians in Castries. The seminar provided an introduction to the operation of parliament, with a particular emphasis on the operation of committees.
Parliamentarians from Saint Lucia regularly participate in CPA UK's multilateral projects. Most recently, all three Presiding Officers from Saint Lucia participated in the Westminster Seminar in March 2022. Parliamentary staff in Saint Lucia have been active participants in the Caribbean Clerks Programmes in 2021 and 2022.

Our Recent Programmes
Saint Lucia Senators' Virtual Committee Visit to the House of Lords, UK Parliament, July 2023
Saint Lucian Senators, Members of the House of Assembly and officials met with Peers and clerks in the UK House of Lords to discuss committees and their impact within a parliamentary democracy. This programme was held virtually for half a day in June 2023 and covered the purpose and operation of committees, cross-party working, inquiries, and the role of the Chair.
Westminster Seminar on Evolving Parliaments 2022, UK Parliament & Virtual, 14-18 March 2022
CPA UK hosted the Westminster Seminar, our flagship peer-to-peer learning programme for parliamentarians and clerks from across the Commonwealth.
We celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Westminster Seminar, a series focused on parliamentary procedure and practice that started in 1952. To encourage greater inclusivity, this was the first Westminster Seminar in its long history to be in a hybrid format. We were delighted to once again be welcoming delegates back to Westminster and made provisions for virtual participation.
Caribbean Clerks Programme, Virtual, 11-12 January 2022
CPA UK hosted our annual Caribbean Clerks programme on Zoom. This two-day programme brought together clerks from the UK and Caribbean region to share experiences and good practices.
The programme was designed to address regional-specific needs, following consultation with Caribbean legislatures. Speakers from across the Caribbean and the UK contributed their experience and practices in a peer-to-peer learning format.
Saint Lucia Post-Election Seminar, Castries, 29 November - 3 December 2021
CPA UK was invited to deliver an in-person Post-Election Seminar for the Parliament of Saint Lucia.
The programme followed Saint Lucia’s recent General Election and involved members of both the Senate and House of Assembly. The seminar schedule provided training on areas of parliamentary scrutiny, with particular emphasis on the role of committees.
Members and a clerk from the UK Parliament travelled to Saint Lucia to deliver the programme in partnership with Saint Lucian colleagues.
Caribbean Clerks Programme, Virtual, 13-14 January 2021
CPA UK invited 11 legislatures from across the Caribbean for an online programme designed for parliamentary clerks to increase their capacity and skills in facilitating virtual and hybrid activities.
The programme took place on 13 and 14 January 2021. The topics covered also included communications, both with members and the public.
CPA UK Cybersecurity Workshop, London, 24-27 February 2020
CPA UK hosted a Cybersecurity workshop to help Parliamentarians from across the Commonwealth develop their capacity on Cybersecurity. The objective of this workshop was to explore and support delivery of the commitments in the 2018 Commonwealth Cyber Declaration. This included raising awareness of current cybersecurity threats and challenges. The report is available here.
The CAPAC Caribbean Regional Workshop was attended by 31 Chairs, Members and Clerks from 11 Commonwealth Public Accounts Committees in the region. Participating PACs joined from Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and Turks and Caicos Islands. Delegates exchanged good practice for financial scrutiny and oversight and collaborated to find approaches to shared challenges. The workshop formed part of CPA UK's work in the Commonwealth Partnership for Democracy (CP4D).
Following the Forum, CPA UK identified a number of priority areas for follow-up activities. As the first of these activities, CPA UK hosted the Speaker of The House of Assembly of St Lucia and a small delegation. The programme provided an overview of the parliamentary practices and procedures of the shared Westminster system, and built knowledge and relationships between the St Lucian delegation and their UK counterparts.