Virtual Post-Election Seminar: Cayman Islands
04 August 2021 - 06 August 2021
Venue: Virtual
In collaboration with CPA HQ, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK (CPA UK) delivered two virtual post-election seminar sessions to support the new and returning members of the Parliament of the Cayman Islands.
The UK Overseas Territory of the Cayman Islands held their fifth General Election on 14 April 2021. At the invitation of the Governor of the Cayman Islands Martyn Roper OBE, CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Region (CPA BIMR) arranged an independent team of experts to conduct a virtual Election Expert Mission (EEM) from 06 – 20 April 2021.
Parliamentarians and parliamentary officials from The United Kingdom and Anguilla shared procedures and practices with Cayman parliamentarians at the following tailored sessions:
- The Committee System with a focus on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
- Outcomes of the Election Observation Mission
The full CPA BIMR Mission Report for the electoral process in the Cayman Islands can be found here.
For further information please contact

Parliament of Cayman Islands