Pakistan – Study Visit by Senate Committee Chairs
Published 13 July 2018

Committee exercise in the UK Parliament - b.r. l.t.r. Senator Abbasi, Senator Khan, Alex Sobel MP, Simon Keal, Senator Ateeq, Major Haider. f.r. l.t.r. Dr Fell, Izabela Pawlic, Dr Bradley

l.t.r.: Asghar Ali Mahar, Protocol Officer; Major Syed Hasnain Haider, Accompanying Secretary; Senator Mohsin Aziz Khan, Chair, Senate Standing Committee (SSC) on Petroleum; Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, Chair, SSC on National Health Services Regulations and Coordination; Lord Hussain, Vice Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Pakistan Not pictured: Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi, Chair, SSC on Law and Justice
CPA UK hosted a delegation of committee chairs from the Senate of Pakistan from 9-12 July 2018. The programme focused on the work of oversight committees. The Senators on the delegation discussed topics such as the inquiry process and recommendations to government with the Chair of the Transport Committee in the House of Commons, and the Chairs of the International Relations and Communications Committees in the House of Lords.
In addition to meeting Chairs and Members of both Houses of Parliament, the Senators observed closed committee meetings and public evidence sessions. Senior Clerks and committee staff outlined how they work with the Chairs and Members to select witnesses, draft questions, and publish reports. On the final day of the programme, Senators questioned witnesses in a Westminster-style committee evidence session on UK energy prices.
The delegates also had an opportunity to discuss issues of mutual interest with the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Pakistan, including APPG Chair Rehman Chishti MP. The Senators found the visit useful and informative, and plan to share their experiences with other committee chairs upon their return to Pakistan. CPA UK looks forward to building on this engagement with the Parliament of Pakistan in the near future.